We help create, grow & manage your wealth!

At Rahali, we enter into a partnership with you from the first meeting and follow a well-defined and inclusive process towards meeting your financial goals and aspirations:

At the first contact, clients are provided with the Financial Services and Credit Guide. This document is a statutory ASIC requirement and outlines the advisors credentials, what areas of advice can be provided and other relevant information.

The primary objective in the initial meeting is to understand the need and wants of the client – why is the client seeking advice, why now ? Information is collected on the client's current financial position. A key aspect is to establish the appetite for Risk so that the strategy can ensure suitable products are used. In some cases, options for the client may be discussed as well.

A Letter of Engagement is then sent detailing next steps and seeking client approval to prepare a detailed plan called a Statement Of Advice (SOA). An SoA is required to be provided by law when we provide financial advice. This document will outline our recommendations and how they meet your needs and objectives.

Another meeting is arranged to walk the client through the SOA and clarify any questions that may arise. In some cases, the plan may present options for the client to consider. Once the plan is formally accepted, documents are prepared for implementation.

Periodic meetings are held to ensure the strategy remains valid at all times and the frequency will be determined by client's requirements. In some cases, reviews are instigated by the Adviser as well.